
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Suzuki DR650 reader ride..errr... well MY new (to me) ride...

Well there might be a trend towards enduro bikes for a while.  My recently acquired DR650 is cleaning up nicely and after some fun afternoon test rides playing in a few mud holes and such I now officially have the dualsport  bug... BAD!  This thing is a freaking blast!  It doesn't hurt that I almost stole it when I bought it.  There was literally a moving van in the driveway when I got there so the negotiations nicely turned my way.   Even when all the mods are done I'll be in it for under $3k.  Came with the IMS tank and a spare Corbin seat!

Here's a few pics after her bath.  Still have some tweaking to do.  So far new 50/50 tires, new handlebars, new heavier rear spring and lot more ghoodies on the way including 520 chain/sprocket, front springs, brakes, wheel bearings etc etc..  along with all the necessary maintenance stuff that you have to do to a bike when you dont't know anything about it's "real" history.  Anywhay here's how she sits at the moment but I think a switch to all white (with tasteful decals) my be in the offing.  Too soon to tell.

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