
Monday, March 22, 2010

Reader ride. Fantistic scrambler done up as an old school "desert racer" from Italy.

I recieved these pics and a message all in Italian. I ran it through 3 different translation programs and sorted it out the best I could. It reads as follows:

Hello, I am Italian and my name is Carl,
I have built my bonnie in the style of an early desert racer which I have always admired. In 51 years, I have owned and admired many bikes including the ducati scrambler 350 and yamaha xt 500. I wish I had never sold them but I was young and had little money.

The changes are entirely handmade, the work of a friend and I in choice of details.. Exhaust, seat, handle-bar, headlight carried all the way to the stripped bodywork, I adore the bare metal.
Thank you for your site, great job for us fans
I'm sorry I do not write so well in english.

Here is the original message,  If someone is fluent in Italian and can assist with the translation it would be VERY much appreciated.  I'd like to learn everything I can about htis beautiful creation and pass it along here.  I'm pretty sure some key information was "lost in the translation" so to speak.  Thanks.

Original message cleaned up a little  as follows:
Ogg: foto triumph desert sled ceva

Ciao, sono italiano e mi chiamo Carlo, ho messo mano alla bonnie per
renderla il più possibile vicina allo
stile desert del quale sono sempre stato un ammiratore, premesso che ho 51anni,
ed ho poseduto negli anni qualche motina sullo stile, ducati scrambler 350, yamaha xt 500, mannaggia a quando le ho vendute mà ero più giovane e pochi denari.
Le modifiche sono interamente artigianali, opera di un amico ed io nella
scelta dei particolari.

Scarichi, che sound, sella,manubrio, copripignone, faro incassato tre le
forcelle, ecc non me le ricordo tutte, a il serbatoio e sverniciato portato a ferro, adoro il ferro....

Saluti e sempre comlimenti per il tuo sito, grn lavoro per noi
appassionati, mi scuso ma non sò scrivere in spagnolo.

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