
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A pair of Fantastic Reader Submittals!! A classic Norton twin and a slightly more modern Triumph Triple!

Reader James Doran from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada sends in a pair of beautiful Britis beauties. First up his Norton. James Writes:

Hi Superduck

Found you Great Motorcycle Photo Of The Day Blog site. My compliments! Thank you for capturing some beautiful looking bikes. I’ve attached a few of my 1974 Norton Commando 850 Interstate (slightly modified) from the Great White North. Sadly I had to sell it two years ago (a guy in Sydney, Australia bought it and had it shipped over there!). My bum right knee wouldn’t let me kick it over anymore. Replaced by a nice 1995 Triumph Thunderbird 900 triple which I really enjoy too (and it has an electric start!). I will send you a couple of pics of her too.

Upgrades/changes to the Norton

* Brembo master cylinder front brake
* M bars with bar end mirrors
* Podtronics electronics
* Single Mikuni 34 mm carb
* Primary belt drive
* Dunstall megaphones
* Older style rear tailight




And heres a few of that triumph:

1995 Triumph Thunderbird 900 triple. Custom solo seat, M bars with bar ends, fly screen.

I love how she emulates the older Norton. Nice touch!  I rode a 1995 Speed Triple for quite a few years and I still think the early engines were the best. 



Thanks Very Much for sending these beauties in!

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