
Sunday, October 31, 2010

By the way...

You Guys ROCK!! Thanks (again) for helping out with your pics and making this place grow!

The Norton Junkyard Dog...

Taken in the back shop of out a local salvage yard/bike shop. The owner built this for his girlfriend. As seen in a previous post.

Pure Dirtbike Wanderlust...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reader Ride. Sweet Triumph Scrambler From Italy.

The pictures are on the small side but the bike is sweet.  Thank You Mario Spatarella

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Puch Magnum "Cafe Racer?"

Insane little moped. There was a 2 or 3 year window where I would have killed for a scoot like this.

Now THAT'S a Rossi Fan!

Saw this pic and just cracked up!  If Rossi rode a goldwing..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reader Submittal...

A truly excellent historical photograph.. 

This is Richard H. O'Loughlin Sr. Boston Mass State Police 1935 Indian Scout.  He was a member of the Massachusetts (Mass) State Police.   He retired badge number one many years ago and past many years ago as well.

Sent in by his grandson.!  Thanks Again Richard!  Fantastic pic!

Reader Rides. Fantastic 2-Stroke Repli Racers!

Keith Montgomery sendt in a bunch of pics (some already in an earlier post) including these nice Aprilia and Honda Repli Racers  Fantastic Stuff!

1996 Aprilia RS250 "Reggianni" colors- one of my all time favorite bikes to own and ride.

1993 NSR250 SP

Nice shop too..

Reader Two-For-One And An Update On A Previously Posted Tracker.

Mike C Writes in with a nice Wanderlust Ducati and an unfortunate update on his wicked SR500 Tracker!

I had a look at some recent snaps thought you might like this for your ' Wanderlust ' bit.
It was taken a few weeks back by my buddy Rick H. outside of Rangely Lake NH.
The bike is my ' 98 748 with an 853 kit (among other mods) and 106,000km. on the clock.
The photo gives no warning of the hour and a half I would be sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, in the pouring rain, later that day.
Sadly my countershaft sprocket chewed the splines on the shaft, and broke the chain sending it through my engine cases just two weeks ago. I was thinking of opening the motor, just for fun, this winter anyway. Looks like I have some quality time in the garage over the next little while.

Oh, and more distressing news. My SR managed to ' shed ' its rear tail/subframe due to vibration...I am already McGyvering a tail from a Honda RS250 roadracer onto the mighty SR....Hey, I start shooting paint tomorrow !
Thanks for the site, I check in every day & always get a charge checking out the new postings.
Mike C.

Here's the link to his original post on the SR.

Great Stuff.  Thanks Mike and sorry for the delay in getting it posted. I'm getting flooded lately.  All good!

Wanderlust Wednesday!

Veterans memorial highway.  thanks to Joe from ADV rider.

A Tasty Triumph Tracker.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reader Ride. Nice CB350 WERA Special. More Smiles Per Mile...

James Walker Writes in:

Hi there, ran across your site the other day and figured i'd send you a pic of my ride. when people ask i tell 'em she's a '71 CB350, but much like the Johnny Cash song she's a '69, '70, '71, '72.....

I currently race her with WERA in the 350 and 500 GP classes.

Love your site, BTW.

Thanks, James 

Thanks James.  These bikes must be the funnest "bang for the buck" way there is to go racing.  I keep swearing I'm going to go race an RD400 someday.. tic toc.. If I'm ever going to do it I better get moving.

Reader Ride... Old School CZ from the Czech Republic!

James From Czechoslovak sends in his oldschool  CZ 175 1962 dirtbike.

He writes in:
Hi, my name is James and I come from the Czech Republic. I love old bikes and retro style. I prefer motorcycles manufactured in Czechoslovakia (Jawa, CZ). I really like your site. Every day, like watching pictures of bikes all over the world. I decided to also donate their bike. Not original, but built of scrap to ride the terrain around my home.

This is my CZ 175 Type 450 of 1962, adjusted for oldschool dirt bike. He has lots of adjustments for off-road driving. The engine has increased power from 10hp to 15hp, weight is + / - 100kg

I love the old Jawa/CZ.  Some of the best looking engines built and they go like mad!  Still miss my old CZ250 dirtbike.  Scary scary motorcycle but oh so fun!

Nortonn VR880 Commando.

I actually think it's overdone a little but what the heck.... It's "making the rounds" lately. I'm not really a huge fan of HDR photography either. Seems overdone lately...

Reader Submittal! A "Collage" Of Some Pics From The Autojumble Show In The UK

Tony McGuire writes in:
Hi, Here's some pics of my fantastic day out at the October 2010 Classic Bike Show And Autojumble at Stafford in the UK,

Best wishes, Tony McGuire, East Yorkshire, UK.

Click on the collage to get a much bigger view.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Radical RD350 Custom From India.

I'm cross-posting this over from the 2-stroke blog.

Te-a Writes in:

Hello, My Names is Te-a, I'm from the far north east corner of India, in the city of Aizawl, Mizoram. We are a huge fan of your blog, keep it up. Heres a couple of pictures of a custom RD350, done by my brother Muansanga MSX. The frame is stock, rear suspension is from a 150cc 4-stroke Yamaha R15, tail cowling fabricated, wheels are 17-inchers from R15, 120/80 rear tire with a 100/80 front. Engine is completely rebuilt from scratch, with a stage 1 porting job with a custom built MSX expansion chamber. Custom painted by yours trully. Hope you like it. Thanks.

(My blog -

Thanks very much for sending this in. I love getting bikes from other parts of the world. Especially customs. I enjoy seeing what other people are doing to their bikes. It's inspiring and it opens up the possibilities. Te-a's paint work is simply fantastic. Check out his blog new blog for more examples.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bitchen Ural Sidehack wit a touch of wanderlust.

At the moment it wouldn't be my first choice as a ride but it sure as hell wouldn't be my last. This is the kid of ride that keeps kicking around my brain. I get the feeling that if I ever rode one that I might get hooked. A week in the mountains on this with some camping gear, a fishing rod and a camera... hmmm...

Friday, October 22, 2010

The new "Cafe Racer" Series. Any Good?

I missed this the other night. Anyone see it? Any good or is it OCC choppers only with cafe bikes?

Flawless Kawasaki Z900

Mor from Hieth Montgomery. A rare and Pristine 1991 GSXR 400RR

1991 GSXR 400RR! Don see many of these and certainly not in this nice a condition. What ever happened to the 400 class.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One more from Kieth Montgomery...

Kieth wrote in:

A CB350 i built a coupla years ago that i never got to race. money... always gettin in the way of the things we love.
